Escallonia Tent Caterpillars

A trip to Addenbrooke's for a scan this morning, which seemed to confirm the upper right Parathyroid gland is slightly enlarged and could do with further investigation.  This would be carried out under general anaesthetic to make manipulation of the neck easier for the surgeon.  A quick dive in to remove the offending gland and all over in fifteen minutes.  EXCEPT, if on closer examination it looks ok, they will make the incision larger until they find what's going on.   In other words, I could need a larger piece of jewellery to hide the scar.  I like the fifteen minute option better.

Nothing's that straightforward of course.  The surgeon radiologist has to report back to Bedford hospital, they will consult with me and then decide whether they give the go-ahead.

I have no idea what these caterpillars are but I'm sure someone out there knows.  Apologies to Charlotte, who doesn't like them.

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