Another trip to the tip

Funny old day. Packed a lot in but didn't seem to make much progress. Wanted to get off to the allotment as well as go to the tip but was thwarted by a long, long wait on the phone to the tax people.

Went to the tip in the end, several bags of rocks and builders rubbish unearthed while excavating the pond. Along with lots of pieces of carpet we were going to use to line the pond. And then didn't use as we bought a proper underlay instead.

Spent the afternoon at Susan's school - also the school where I'm a governor - helping to mark the centenary of the school. Lot of great displays as well as former pupils and staff.

After that there was just time to rush home and then out again to a rugby referees meeting in Sevenoaks where we spent 3 hours listening to the principles behind a new scheme to recruit, retain and develop referees. While I think this sort of thing is necessary I also think it seems too much like the sort of stuff we used to do at work and who wants to do the same sort of stuff in their leisure time as they are doing at work? Might as well be at work!

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