horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Vulpine anticipation

Always feels a bit of a cheat putting an entry on that was taken the night before, but it 'was' just a smidge after midnight, so technically today.

As Mel went to bed she spotted a mini-fox out the front, and sure enough there were actually two kits running about. There's not the light out front, so I decided on a short stake out round the back, with a little bit of food put out. Paid off, three adults appeared, and one of the kits. Didn't manage any good shots of the kit, unfortunately, but so lovely to watch it interacting with the adults. At one point its courage faltered coming nearer the door, and one of the adults gave it a shove towards the food.

So if they're back tonight and I get a shot this'll be changing, but putting this one on cos I'm not sure I can be bothered trying to get a shot with the rest of the day (unless it's a fox kit) after starting work at 7.20am. Blessed relief of five minutes to post this... Roll on 5pm...

Extra photo is one of the other adults, who was quite comical with his wet tufty fur, but the image above was a nicer pose.

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