Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A glass half full

So navel gazing is something of a hobby for some members of my family, and I am one of its arch proponents. And recently I have been going slightly potty trying to work out why I am feeling a bit down and not very focused and tonight I had an epiphany.

The simple answer is: it's complicated. Or to put it another way, there is no one thing but several. Truth is I didn't realise how much I missed The Girl Racer until she came home for a few days recently. And then there is work; I need a new challenge, and the older you get the harder that is. And then there is relationships: missing someone even'though you live with them because you no longer travel to work together and don't have that magic time together every day. There is also a thing that I can't talk about - a thing about people, and how sometimes they let you down, which I will save for another day. Lastly I am thoughtful about my own ageing.

For all of these - and others - there are positives. The Girl Racer is so happy and I am thankful for that. I may be missing one person but I am getting to spend a lot of time with another one. Work may need re-invigorating but at least I have it and am blessed with some amazing colleagues. And lastly, although some people let you down, others are just bloody marvellous and heroic.

So the glass really is half full not half empty and whilst you have an ounce of love in your life you should not be self indulgent but just be thankful. Cras est alius dies as I've said before. You see - with age comes wisdom.

I'll drink to that.

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