Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Control and restraint

At the end of the day the only thing you have control over is you. Yesterday I went out and bought lots of smoothie additives -spirulina, maca powder, chia seeds, you name it. We now have a smoothie bar in our kitchen so that we can at least stay healthy.

Today was frankly depressing. I really don't think people understand the ramifications of what has happened. It is not the EU. It is the fault line it has exposed: the dark and nasty side of this country. I watched the first two minutes of Question Time when a Leave voter asked "After thirty years of ignoring the electorate, how does it feel to get a good punch in the face?" ... My god what have we become? And some people just don't get it. They really think this is just a little thing that we will get over.

The labour party is falling apart. There is no opposition to this awful government. Racist posters and acts of vandalism have started. People feel licensed to do whatever they want.

Tomorrow the money markets re-open. Friday may have just been for starters. I hope they don't decide that the Monday is time for the main course and we see the pound and stocks and shares plunge even further. This could be a long week for the British people.

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