Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

I love the fragility of this Poppy, it somehow exudes strength at the same time, a rain battering survivor.  It's hanging over my Mum's garden path, making it an easy Blip target as I had to brush past it to get to the front door.
Last day of freedom before the kids stop school for Summer and I spent it taking my Mum to the auction to pick up items she'd bought.  As usual we stop at the fab old traditional bakers on the way, my payment for being a good daughter (!) - a pie and a pineapple cake :-)

And before I know it - it's one in the pm and out they come, a few cheers but the heavy rain puts a dampener on the usual school's out joviality.
A was going on a picnic with her pals, she'd made awesome Brownies to take but it was a bit of a wash out and I got the come and pick me up call earlier than expected.
So rain, Summer, bleah....of course when I as wee, the Summer lasted forever, we practically lived outside and it was sunny all the time - seems we only remember the good bits :-)


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