Eye Eye

It's been a disappointing day.  The completion of the chalet sale was supposed to happen today, it didn't, at the last minute it was held up by an insurance issue. Hopefully now on Monday. 
I had ordered a new record deck from Amazon, they promised delivery today, this afternoon they sent an email saying delivery had been delayed for "a day or two" though no alternative delivery date was forthcoming.
The only 'good' news was that the optician at an eye test I had this morning said my prescription hadn't changed since the last time I had any glasses, 2010. The bad news is I still need to buy some more glasses as mine are scratched, chipped and the coating is wearing off. Ann will help me choose some.
For a pick-up this evening I gathered together all the vegetable bits and pieces that were lying around and made a large curry. Feeling full now!
To end off a disappointing day I realised I didn't have any photos so here's an arty pic based on eyewear, it has been, ahem, processed somewhat (see 'extra' for boring original).

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