
By Notconforming

Wake up and smell the coffee

This morning we had a relaxed time with the kids around, then Dave took us to see how the beans are roasted and see their impressive newest roasting machine. From then the day took a very foody turn and we went with Aunty L and Dan for salmon tacos, then to a drive through where the waitresses bring the milkshakes to the car on roller blades; after an impromptu nap and quick walk with Micah and Zoe, came the highlight of the day..... Boi na Brasa-a very swish and authentic brasilian churascarria with some of the best picanha I've ever had as well as guarana, farofa, feijao etc, we are all very very well satisfied and ready for bed now! It has also been a treat to find out some more about D&L and their past!!

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