Love - Amitiés

Amitiés in French underneath a letter or nowadays an email means 'Love' or Best regards'' and has everything to do with friendship.

Last year my Open University friend Jane was trying to get to terms with the fact that she was going to die soon because of cancer. She was enormously brave, had been so for years, and was sorting out everything before it was too late. She set up a Just Giving page and account and told her friends that she didn't want flowers at her funeral but a donation to her Just Giving account instead. The donations would go to the Make A Wish organisation. When I read her wishes I decided I would send her flowers photo e-cards as long as she lived and would do something with those images for her fund when she died. Jane died in November 2014 and a month ago I launched 'Jane's Collection' on my RedBubble acount.
Today I received two items that I ordered myself from that collection, a tote bag and a scarf. How very exciting to have something so tangible, self designed and with so much meaning ! I know some of you have seen the launch on FaceBook a month ago and I'm enormously grateful to those of you who have even acquired some products. I have also just received my very first artist's fee for these from RedBubble, so will be donating them to Jane's account as soon as possible (some mishap there, looks like JustGiving closes down accounts after a while, so I've contacted Jane's family to find out how to donate now)

Thanks very much for your comments and stars on yesterday's hortensia for Anni and Alma.

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