Cake/pie then :-)

I'd love to show you the picture of our students year club, but I didn't think to ask them if it was ok to publish it (and in any case I didn't take the picture). You'll have to settle for the another picture of the baking then, the raspberry curd tart, this time with pretty lemon peel curls :-)

I'm in awe of my friends though, from the wonderful spirit of our friend with all the burns, to the one who as a 'small present' made us all a mini garden rake, and the one who has just published a book on the techniques of structural and sustainable building (and got handed the first edition at our meet). We were some of the young women who studied in Delft, when there were 300 female students to 10.000 students in all.

And we did manage to clear up our friends garden within 3 hours :-)

Thanks very much for your comments and stars, even when I've been so absent. I'll need to catch up again

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