Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Pond life already

There have been dragonflies like this around our pond ever since we added the water, about 2 weeks ago.  Our pond man identified it as a broad bodied chaser.  According to the link, it is often one of the first to colonise new ponds.

I've been pulling up bracken and nettles today - they constantly invade from the field next door.  My arms and leg are still tingling from accidental brushes with the nettles.  Whilst taking a break, I stood on the bridge over the pond and watched the dragonflies.  We saw a male and a female, mating in mid air.  We actually saw the female laying eggs, but I didn't catch a photo of this.

But I did manage a picture of the male perched on one of the pond plants.

There were also a couple of much smaller, electric blue coloured things - probably damselflies, I think.

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