Every Day Is A holiday!

By musings

Garden Walk - Astrantia

What a perfect day in the islands today...the sun was shining, and the temperature much more to my liking! I worked on my genealogy until Bob suggested I get out of the dungeon and enjoy the day...so off I went with my camera to the gardens. Oh wow, everything is blooming, and the insects are in abundance. I have not determined yet, WHAT this flower is, but it is amazing to photograph...no matter what you do, it looks beautiful:)) I hope you enjoy it too!

I've found the name of this beautiful flower: Astrantia is a genus of herbaceous plants in the family Apiaceae, endemic to Central, Eastern and Southern Europe and the Caucasus.The Genus name comes from the Greek word for star in reference to the star-like quality of the flower heads. There are 8 or 9 species, which have aromatic roots, palmate leaves, and decorative flowers. They are commonly known as great masterwort, which may be confused with masterwort, Peucedanum ostruthium.

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