Still Green

How can you be called Outdoorguy...
if you never go outside?
But, why do I want to go out...
if the doth hide?

I sat inside my kitchen,
looking through the windowpane.
Waiting for the weather to stop...
but it rained and rained and rained.

The only good thing about the drops?
The tomatoes...they do grow.
Just a few yards out my back door...
just past the patio.

Leaving tomorrow for my hike,
In my bed for one more night.
On Sunday night, I'll be sleeping on the ground...
FAR removed from the Blip site.

Going upstairs to repack my pack,
"cuz it weighs 29 pounds.
Take away this, take away that...
don't want to lug it around.

See ya on Friday!

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