Lazy Afternoon

I don't quite know what happened but I've got two days back to front..I was showing a member of the group how to set dates on a camera and can't have checked that my camera was correct.  So this should be Sunday and tomorrow's blip today.  Am I bad to correct the dates on here? Probably.  

Lazy Sunday.... listening to jazz on the lawn at Polesden Lacey.  Only four of us went along.  There were sporadic drops of rain before we arrived.  Those large drops that you can feel splattering but are not enough to wet the ground.  I left the umbrella in the car but not a drop more was seen or felt after we entered the grounds.  Quite the opposite. The sun came out and it was bliss. 

The deck chairs were out in force.  I think many may have been put off by the weather as we, amazingly found some free to sit on.  Deck chairs, a glass of Pimms and good music.  

A great afternoon in good company.

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