
By tepeka


Not the most interesting picture in the world, but after the past seven days I wanted the most colourful subject matter possible, and Mme Tepeka's new trainers seemed to fit the bill.

One downside of running marathons is that you get through trainers at an absolutely phenomenal rate. And because of her wonky feet (or adorable feet, as we prefer to call them), she has to have the 'stability' type of trainers (or 'expensive' type, as we more accurately call them).

Fortunately, just because they're semi-orthopaedic doesn't mean they have to be boring! In fact, if your trainers aren't searing your eyeballs, then you're not really trying.

Over the next few months, these trainers will pound the pavements of Belfast, then take on the Chicago and Dublin marathons. They'll have earned their retirement by then, I think.

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