Red Squirrel


Gimme Shelter!

A bigger slug.

What a contrast today is to the cold, grey skies and horrendous winds of yesterday - only the trace of a breeze, bright sunshine mostly, and hot!
As with last Sunday, when I uprighted my wheelbarrow on the lawn, it was being used as home by some slugs and various insects - and I'd swear this is the self-same slug I blipped then doing the twist. With the hot sun on its back, the slug obviously wasn't happy! It soon made its way up the side of the barrow, over the lip and into the shelter of the shade underneath -

A music link of course - one of my three favourite Stones tracks - "war, children, is just a shot away ... love, sister, is just a kiss away". I know which I prefer!

If Eunice sees this, I hope you haven't just eaten like last week! lol

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