The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Busy bee

This really was a busy bee...getting a shot in focus was a challenge! Me, well I haven't been a busy bee which is unusual for me. I decided to lie in until 7am as my back was hurting yesterday and I thought the rest would help. It didn't. The pain has tracked up to my neck which is now locked solid, refusing to turn in any direction. I walked the dogs, cancelled training (I hate cancelling training!) and instead I washed and polished the car. Breakfast was brief and the kettle broke, deciding that it wanted to boil forever and a day and not turn itself off, so I took it back to Waitrose and swopped it for one that works. Since then I have done some school work and worked on my photography blog and assignment - my back keeps locking and I'm getting pins and needles in my legs, this isn't good. I spoke to the physio this afternoon and he will see me tomorrow tomorrow's training has had to be cancelled too.

I'm miserable now.
So I haven't rung you yet. No point making you miserable too.

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