Just call me Billy!

It was a great night last night, but I drank too much and suffered a bit this morning. It was a bit of an effort to get up, but I eventually stirred myself into doing something. I couldn't be bothered going to town so I headed to the Quays and had a wander in the sunshine and watched a bit of Wimbledon on the big screen.

No-one was playing out so I was a Billy-No-Mates, shame really as there were a few things going on. The university had set up some sports thingummy and so you could play badminton or table tennis....I hit the shuttlecock but I was too slow running round to the other side of the net to return it....sigh. Actually I wasn't properly dressed to play either!

I bought a sandwich and whilst I was picnicking I was intrigued by two guys across the plaza. Curiosity got the better of me so I wandered over to see what they were up to. They had a drone and they were waiting for a satellite signal to connect, as soon as it did whoooosh......it shot up and circled around overhead. Oh I want one, I really want one.....I need one!!!!

I nipped into the Trafford Centre on the way home...the air conditioning was delightful...and had a wee bit of retail therapy :))

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