Making a Wish

Coins left in a Ballaun stone in an alcove at the ruined church at Maulinward. Maybe an offering or to make a wish.
A full day today taking in a number of archaeological sites with Robert, Finola, himself and freespiral.
We began with a guided tour of Ballinacarriga tower house by the very well informed Margaret who had the key, there were some interesting carvings on the window and door arches and a Sheela na gig on an outside wall, see my extra photos if interested.
Margaret took us to see an Ogham stone, completely smothered in nettle and brambles which were hastily removed by the landowner for us. the impressive stone was more likely to be an inscribed stone, with it's pattern of vertical and horizontal lines and asterix's on the flat side of the stone .
Next was the Inchincurka wedge tomb, the capping stone was covered in cup marks. Then to the nearby Togher tower house, we couldn't get access as it was deemed too dangerous but one member of the group, who will remain nameless, couldn't resist  a little trespass!

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