Bark to Winter

A shock to the system as we set out today but out came the trusty iPhone and a blip was born.
I was ever hopefull for a bit of an outing but The Boss had a few social things and granny's (acycling) new computer to help with as she defied “new” and got a new W7 machine built from the local tech folk so everything installed a treat and was familiar. A very sensible approach I thought and none of the W8 nonsense.. Anyway by the time he was finished with that and the hot choc and bikkies that followed, it was seriously raining and thoughts of outings were transferred forward.
We had a “collar kerfuffle” after THC as I returned home with “Charlies” collar and of course Charlie had mine. Plus the folk at THC asked us to deliver another collar for a dog that got picked up without one.
So I kno you are just dying to ask….Did I feel a “right Charlie” during all this.
Shhhhhh…I didn’t even notice.

The Boss however has confessed to welcoming an old friend in the bedroom,
His Blectric.  This is what The B’s used to call Electric Blankets when they were younger and (deleted) and of course you don’t have those things in serviced apartments in warmish places. They have them for dogs but The Boss has given me the hard word (NO) on that in spite of the fact I have never chewed an electric cable. (yet). There is however a good outcome from this as I tend to go with him at night (I prefer his music) so I am currently reclining on my #3 rug on the floor directly under the heat pump thingie that blows down…..
Oh...Ed Sheeran....Sigh... 


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