By Mickky

Juice for your apple

It was a shame that my battery charger I had brought from Japan and ever since used in the UK got broken only a week before leaving the UK. However it turned out to be nice as I could get hold of this new charger with a unique name, except the fact that I can no longer use it with Japanese sockets back in Japan.

Today was the last day me and my British friend who has been my conversation partner could meet each other, and we had lunch together at a Chinese restaurant. After that we dropped by at an electrical store where I bought this charger. It was really a good day, I was feeling down a little though after I said goodbye to him.

In the afternoon I had lovely dinner at a Spanish restaurant with another friend who has been very close to me. She's Japanese too, and I may visit her during the coming summer holiday.

Not just with them I've had several goodbyes these days. During the last few days, I said goodbye to two of my Japanese friends. It was always nice to be with them, and I'd love to visit them too.

Meanwhile I've been hectic with the preparation for moving out of the accommodation I've stayed at for nine months now. I need to sort out all the stuff, which to bring back home and which to leave here in Sheffield, and the university may help me do so by setting some boxes shown in the extras. If you have something you do not wish to throw away but to donate, you may just put it in one of the boxes. Thanks to this occasion, I learned what bric-a-brac means for the first time.

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