
I wasn't going to do a blip today. Nothing really appealed to me. In fact today was a very lazy day.

I took this photo using the camera strap as "bait", dangling it in front of the cats. Milo quickly got sick of it with the flash going off in her eyes. It was fun while it lasted. I might have to try it again in daylight so I don't have to use the flash.

It is hot and sultry here. The kind of weather that promises a storm in the next few days. Hopefully it is all sunny for the weekend. We are going away with the boat for an island holiday with friends. I can see myself boating on my own with everyone else watching from shore.

When I said lazy day earlier I really meant it. I slept in till 9ish, watched the F1 qualifying (go Massa!) and then proceeded to do pretty much nothing for the rest of the day. It frustrates me because I haven't achieved anything by the end of the day but then again, that is what weekends are for. At least yesterday was productive.

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