My Angle

By myangle

Some more concrete

1/320th sec, f11, 100ISO, 85mm lens, Canon 350D

More concrete.

This is a part of the outer wall of one of the big water towers near us. All morning I was looking for a piece of concrete to photograph. This was what I found. I quite like it. Such a completely uninteresting subject matter is a challenge to photograph. The subject interest has to be supported by the composition rather than the other way around. It has been refreshing to do this because it makes me concentrate on single areas of my photography. It isn't hard to find a lump of concrete to photograph. The grey paint is to cover up the graffiti.

Don't worry, I haven't gone all arty! I just started liking the idea of photographing concrete when I took this image from the car last week. There have been a few favorable comments so I thought I would exploit the theme just a little bit more.


TGIF! I have spent the day tying up a few final loose ends with the bank, which should leave me stress free for the weekend. My Father-in-Law needed some money so I took a cruise over to his place this morning. His dementia is getting worse by degrees, but some days are worse than others. Today was particularly bad in my opinion. He was very difficult to have a conversation with because he was substituting words in his sentences. Sometimes I have no idea what he is on about. He is also becoming very sneaky. Jo's Mum had the same condition so we are recognising the same symptoms in her Dad. It is always nice to see him though.

Have a nice weekend!

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