Today's Special

By Connections

Seeing Clearly

When I'm engaged in something I love, like Blipfoto, or gardening, or genealogy research, or cooking, or reading, time seems to stretch out forever -- until I look at the clock, that is. Then I see that I've lost track of that time, and things that I meant to do, but don't particularly enjoy, are left undone again.

So I'm trying a new approach today -- I'm doing my blip in the morning. Fortunately, a photo possibility appeared before me as I was cooking breakfast. I have a greater appreciation for shadows and reflections after a period of overcast or rainy weather, as we've been experiencing, and like the subtle patterns in this image.

So on to the laundry now, and spreading the last buckets of bark on the front garden, and doing my physical therapy exercises, and then a break to catch up on comments -- watching the clock, so I don't run short of time to prepare supper for our friend!

(Addendum: To see what I made for lunch today, check out Phil's blip.)

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