
It couldn't be put off any longer. We were knee deep in dog hair. Every corner was festooned with spider webs. Dust bunnies had collected under every piece of furniture and everything was covered with a layer of dust.

The vacuum cleaner came out of the closet, and armed with a variety of rags mops and solvents, I made my way through the house dragging the reluctant vacuum cleaner behind me. Did I mention how much I hate to vacuum? It must sense this because despite its newly designed mobility features and non twist hoses, it seems reluctant to go around corners, desperately clinging to table legs, clutching at doorways, and if all else fails unplugging itself.

Sometimes I am nice to it, gently coercing it to follow me. Today was not one of those days. I dragged it, kicking and screaming to the farthest reaches of floor and back, stopping to carry long abandoned glasses and ancient magazines to the kitchen, spot clean the rug and hoick balls, old dog bones and small cars from under the couch. When all surfaces were clean and dusted, well, not OilMan's desk, I put the beast back in the closet and collapsed on the couch looking for a picture I could take with my phone without moving.

The exhausted looking flower arrangement on the table caught my eye. Too tired to take it out and throw it away, but not one of the many Blippers who can find beauty in dead flowers, I decided to see what I could do with my new painting app.

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