Beach Bunnies

Not the blondes in bikinis kind…this is a Northern California beach. It's too cold for bikinis. The average adult at Dillon Beach may be barefoot, but is wearing a sweatshirt, I did see two rather natty looking men, but their two greyhounds were wearing striped sweaters. Beach bunnies are also not  the packs of Labradors surfing the shore break with balls in their mouths, or the cute kids in drysuits pushing trucks toward the water from the umbrella enclave well above the high water line. They are not even the surfers, too far out beyond the riptides to identify, and no doubt wearing wet suits. No, our version of beach bunnies is the high tide version of dust bunnies…twisted tangles of dune grass washed out to sea, shaped by the surf and swirled back in again, gathering interesting bits of multi colored seaweed and shells as they are carried up the beach and abandoned at the high water mark by the retreating water. There is a picture in extras if you are interested.

Our own little pack of dogs, Blake, Rudy and Ozzie arrived in style in the back of my little red car, and took off for the water the moment the door was opened. It is worth a trip to the beach just to watch all the people and their kids and dogs having a blast at the beach. In an effort to wear out Blake, no easy feat, Dana ran him up and down the dunes until he refused to do it again. I liked the shot of Dana and Blake at the top of of one of a series of dunes that had been sliced in half by the high tides. Jim and Rudy watching just in case Blake decides to take a flying leap as OilMan and Ozzie march down the beach, undistracted from their mission.

Rudy ran up one or two dunes, but lost interest after he ran full speed ahead toward hurtling off the edge of a cliff. Fortunately Jim caught him before he hit the ground. Sometimes Rudy forgets that his legs are only two inches long, but I think he will remember soon since he has to take seventeen steps for every one of the bigger dogs' long strides.

Ozzie hung on to his stick all the way down the beach despite Blake's best efforts to steal it. Ozzie is getting a little more canny when it comes to dealing with Blake and doesn't just let him have his sitck. He had absolutely no interest in the dunes…

It was truly a dog day at the beach today. And for OilMan and me, the first day of the Tour de France….

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