Cherry Picker

I spy the first bumps of horns on this little guy. He is busy gathering the fallen cherries from our neighbor's tree. I've gotten really close to deer in the past eating those fallen fruits. They chew and chew and seem to bliss out and then, pop, out goes the pit. Then they look around for another cherry treat. They are almost oblivious while they are eating them.

Today was such a busy day that I never did get this blip posted. Just too much happening. The best part was my brother Dave coming over to play Carcassonne with me and Steve. Then we all went down town to meet Nora and Kai and Helena for pizza at La Fiamma. Helena lives close by so she walked there to meet us. Nora and Kai had spent the afternoon together. Kai is teaching Nora to play the piano. Nora played when she was young and wants to bring back the skill. Kai says she is a really good student and plays with feeling. That is so cool.

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