Bar Harbor In The Rain. Leitz Telyt-V 200mm

We are back at our desks in Boston, and, for the first time in two weeks I am looking at the photographs I took on a big screen.  This one is a favorite and I think it makes a nice coda and retrospective on a fabulous vacation.  It was taken on June 21 when Maasdam was anchored off Bar Harbor, Maine.  The rain was coming down in sheets at about 9:00AM on a Sunday morning, yet there were quite a few brave souls out and about.  My Editor and I love this little town, (previously Blipped here), and have been there for our summer vacation for the last six years straight.  So it was particularly exciting to have this view down the main street from out at sea - getting the big picture as it were.  The rain and the lens did the rest.

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