Currant Delight

Usually we net our currant bushes but this year we didn't and we are grateful that the birds only ate a few of the fruits.  Perhaps its because we are supplying them with plenty of easy pickings at the feeder but whatever the reason the bushes looked more attractive and were absolutely laden with fruits.  I did some more picking today in a break from writing up my walking log book. Why oh why did I leave it 'till the last minute?  Lol, like many before me have found, I guess its a task that just doesn't appeal, and, well, it was just never urgent enough 'till now. 
As mentioned lots of birds are visiting the feeder: tits upto six at a time, being a mix of mostly juvenile blue and great tits; a pair of green finches; a goldfinch and a pair of chaffinches.  The pond is also popular now it's thick with water lillies and can be used as a bath by a teeny tiny firecrest, a robin and a mistle thrush (I think).

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