Time for Change

Tonight was my last Brownie session as Leader in Charge. After 8 years with this pack and 10 years with another unit before that, it's finally time for a change. Those of you who've read my journal will know I've been doing quite a bit of hillwalking training and climbing and that's what I want to do more of, so I'm moving on to do some adventurous activities with Scouts, Guides, Explorers and Senior Section. I'd happily stay within Girlguiding but tbh the mountaineering opportunities in Scouting are better - sorry girls! However I intend to complete my training and do something about that so watch this space. As for my current pack, whilst I won't be with them every Tuesday night, I'm organising a pack holiday for them and I'll run several outdoor activities each term. I don't feel it's really goodbye so I was bowled over by the leaving gifts bestowed upon me which included two rose bushes: the Girlguiding Centenary Rose & the Brownie Rose. Best of all though, a notebook full of memories, thankyou notes and photos, (with owls on the cover of course). Tonight we had fun with giant bubble kits and we made bubble tailed bottle snakes. I took a photo of every girl inside a bubble and lots of them chasing giant bubbles around the garden but of course I can't post those online. We finished our summer term in what has become traditional style, with water bombs. Great fun!

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