Now is the WINTER of our discontent....

Well, a full and interesting day! I was at Gatwick airport with daughter and two granddaughters setting off for Spain in the midst of an English heatwave which occasionally happens in our summer. The challenge of a mono image on 'Winter' was truly terrifying!  Sometimes restaurants start advertising their Christmas menu this early but not at airports where you generally do not spend the festive season!  So I was a bit desperate.

Added to that, our flight was delayed and our agent meeting us got the time wrong and was an hour late picking us up. All in all it wasn't an easy day.  Then......we had no wifi. = no blip.  Aaagh!!

During the day though I had a thought about this quote from Shakespeare, frequently misinterpreted although works well for me,,,
"Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York  - or in this case Spain!

A sunset - great I thought - oh mono, not so so great with a sunset! So a sunset with a bit of filter from Topaz.

So a back blip - the first ever.

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