
Friday was taken up by a sightseeing trip to Regensburg, about an hour away from our base in Ingolstadt.

It's a lovely place and full of history, with the added cachet of being virtually untouched by war damage. So the sights are in their original condition.

I'd been before, but thought I ought to be there in case any of my Rotary Club charges tried to get into mischief. They can be a bit rowdy when they get going...

We had lunch in this typical Bavarian brewery/pub - a well known landmark in its own right.

I tried the special summer beer which they brew, and coupled with potato dumplings as part of my lunch (schweinebraten, sauerkraut & bratwurst as well), I slept all the way back to Ingolstadt on the coach. Ideal.

My fellow Kilimanjaro conqueror who was sitting beside me at lunch opted for the local delicacy of "sour lung". Clearly Bill is still up for the big challenges. To his credit he scoffed the lot.

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