
Big Chief TeaMaker and Minihaha were caught playing in the wigwam at Bents Garden Centre. 

I had a lazy morning, but I tried to stir myself into doing some cleaning and domestic drudgery. I did try, I tried very hard, honestly. I sat with a cuppa and fiddled around on my ipad for a while then I made myself go upstairs to start on the bedroom....I took one look then I went back down again. I went up again a little while later and actually moved a few things around, but when Pat called to see if I fancied a little jaunt I abandoned all hope of cleaning.

We went to Bents for a cuppa and a shared scone!! It was nice, but not a patch on the ones we make. We had her little granddaughter with us and we decided to have a mooch around the toys with her. Actually I think we had more fun winding toys up, playing with puppets and climbing in the wigwam than Minihaha did!

I made myself clean for an hour or so when I returned home. There is so much to do before next week when I have visitors. Oh, I do hate cleaning, I just can't do it, it is too hard. Do you think they will notice if I shove everything in the spare room and just close the door?

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