The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jewelled Florentines

I baked the Florentines last night, and left them in the container this morning. Unfortunately it was on the table in strong sunlight, and I forgot to phone CleanSteve to ask him to move it. By the time he found it, the Florentines had curled or drooped a little. I got home at 7.30 and coated them in melted chocolate. Before I'd even finished, there was a knock at the door: my neighbour wanted to ask me a favour. So I gave her one for the road....

Busy, busy day today. School music prom, with our nursery children standing on stage in front of a large audience, and singing. They did well, and one of my key children, who has always refused to join in with the singing, sang! I was so proud of them. Even more amazing was the fact that they all managed to sit and listen to other groups sing or make music for over an hour! No mean feat when you're three, in a hot marquee.

Then we had a picnic lunch on a parachute, and a normal hot Thursday afternoon. Straight after work I had to catch a bus to the nearby town of Stonehouse for a WEA meeting. This meant I didn't get home until evening. Fast forward past the Florentines, and supper, to a long conversation by phone with a potential house sitter. She sounds good, but I forgot to ask if she smokes.

It's now past my bedtime. This is a well-dodgy Florentine shot, but I just didn't have the time for taking photos earlier.

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