The End?

Certainly the end of our pints, but is the end of Blip finally approaching too? Looking to back blip this morning, it's been a bit flaky and I've seen plenty of comments from other people about not being able to get onto the site. No communication of any sort from the admins - are there even any admins left or is the site sailing on unmanned like the Marie Celeste? We shall have to see. I suspect we are all much better prepared now, with content backed up in some way or other, ready to move somewhere else if it really does crash for good.
Last night after she got back from work L went to meet her buddy H for a drink and I joined them later - very pleasant sitting outside having a pint in front of Porty's beach front pub. Afterwards we came back to the flat and the chat continued on into the early hours - a good night :-)
Perhaps just a temporary thing as it seems to be back up now. I guess with the apparent lack of a working crew we all tend to assume the worst when there is a glitch in the service.

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