
By CleanSteve

A visitor to the Evening Primrose

It has been grey for most of the day and I haven't ventured out.  I had hoped to combine a bit of budget planning and scheduling with watching the time trials of the Tour de France.  But as I expect you will have guessed I did none of that.  It is Sunday and I will forgive myself, though others might not.

Just before going to prepare the tofu and stir-fry supper, I nipped out to the front garden where the evening primroses have been flowering profusely for weeks.  Since the sun has not shined much today the flowers seemed to have wilted but the insect life was still very interested.  A large bee sidetracked me for a while as it fed on the foxglove flowers just a few feet away.  

But I followed this unknown insect as it flew or more literally buzzed around the evening primroses for nearly five minutes.  I had given up and was focusing on a tiny black beetle crawling over an adjacent bedraggled flower when this insect popped onto this flower and stayed long enough for me to get a picture.  I was pleased to be able to see its eye and body in sharp detail, but I wish I knew more about such insects.  Does anyone know what its name is? 

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