Cycle Path

I went for another wee cycle this evening. When I'm feeling unambitious, I go along the cycle path to Roseburn and back. It's about 5 miles, or in this case, 8 miles with a couple of detours, but it's fairly flat. My other circuits are similar in length, but have a few punishing hills.

I rather like the overhanging trees and old bridges - this is an old railway line so it passes over and under several. When I was a kid I used to ride a lot on the old North Deeside Line. That never had such a lovely tarmac covering, it was always just coarse grit and stones - a constant source of punctures.

I seem to be over the worst of the jet-lag now, I managed to get up OK this morning and I seem to be doing OK this evening. That's a relief - I was worried this week might be a bit of a struggle.

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