Man down

"He's not been his usual chirpy self today" was what ZQ and I were informed when we collected Noo from nursery. Noo was clearly not - it was clear from his little tear stained face :-(

Despite a bad day at school he wanted to go "flaygrounding", but we persuaded him that it was too cold and wet. He was then keen to "go to the coffee shop" before we popped to the supermarket to buy something for tea.

He was unusually quiet in the car, and completely humourless. Definitely not Noo. Just I was about to order our drinks in Costa, I recalled ZQ vomiting all over the counter in Costa at a similar age. At that VERY've guessed it......Noo vomited all over the floor!!!! Arrrrgh! I was just as mortified second time around....thankfully the staff were understanding and sympathetic.

Once I'd relieved him of his yucky t-shirt and mopped out his crocs, Noo was a new boy! We bought him a charity shop t-shirt to go home in, and risked a visit to Waitrose. He fell asleep on the way home, (not unusual) and has been asleep since. Fingers crossed........

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