The Mayor calls in

This morning was the Groups Open Morning at U3A. It's aim is to showcase what the groups do during the year as we have so many different activities for people to try.

Considering that I only joined the organisation to be in the walking group, I go to the weekly meetings and am in five groups (walking, watercolour painting, birdwatching, photography and bowling in the park). There's little wonder that I don't have enough time for things that I should be doing!

The mayor and mayoress arrived and chatted to everyone, in fact he stayed for the whole morning.

I organise the birdwatching group so was responsible for the display table (which I forgot to photograph) but the extra is our painting group's display being set up.

The star of the morning was when my friend Dave arrived to look round. He brought his very friendly rescue dog with him who was very popular with the dog lovers in the room. Dave is going to join in order to go to the walking and geology groups - I didn't tell him that it's a slippery slope!!

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