
The mizzle continues. We're in danger of going a bit weird! Still, I cleaned out the conservatory - even behind the pots and some of the areas which the cats lurk in and get up to no good. We donned wet weather gear and headed out for a walk around the circuit. People out bravely doing things as though it was beautiful - cycling, kayaking, making sandcastles. I even went for a swim myself. The water was a bit mucky after all the rain but oddly pleasant.
Today's offering is for tinytuesday - a cluster of very small but perfectly formed teeny eggs. I think I know who the mummy might be - see extra. Or does anyone know any better?
I've started one of my purchases from yesterday 'Etta and Otto and Russel and James' - wonderfully quirky and I suspect it's going to be quite profound. Much enjoying it.

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