Buddleia Bug

Thank goodness I don't work any more, or I would have been very late arriving.  I had a terrible night's sleep, and kept waking up with a gnawing pain in my lower back, a tummy ache and feeling generally poorly.  After finally falling back into welcome unconsciousness at about 6.30 a.m., the next thing I knew it was gone half past nine and Mum was waiting for me to emerge so we could have breakfast!

We had a fairly gentle day, and though I didn't feel up to watering the garden plants I did manage to do this shot of a branch which had snapped off the Buddleia.  In past years it has been covered with butterflies, but I haven't seen many at all so far this summer.  All that was on this one was a teeny tiny fly rubbing its hands together - hardly the prettiest sight.

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