Tones (Dulcet and other)

Today I was a pain. Shhh I don’t want The Boss to hear this but here was extenuating circumstances and that’s 2 hard words to spell.
By the time we got out the northerly was blowing like mad and this flaps my ears and creates a lot of barkground racket and it is very hard to hear The Boss’s dulcet tones of instruction which creates confusion (I am easily confused) and I then revert to safe mode which is “If in doubt…Don’t”  so I didn’t. Please return to line 1.
There was a mate, a Lab that I have known for yonks and he was having similar issues if seems, so we stayed confused together and finally The Boss decided it was lead time and his Boss got fed up and went home with him.

We then had a lovely walk without any confusion at all with ME anchored to The Boss’s belt which would have happened anyway as we went through the forest and I am never off lead there.  

Brarking News The Boss seems attracted to the new Apple Music feature on his iPhone especially after he discovered the “Soft Pop” radio station and entertained The Bossess upstairs and at the other end of the house with a lovely musical path down memory lane while he watched a slide show of Blip history from Flickr on Apple TV.  Luckily she was not on the phone at the time.


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