Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

All the gear...

Umm... When did I last blip? That long ago? Wow!
Err last Thursday meetings in the morning meant that I didn't force enough water down to avoid the post running-about-at-football-like-a-headless-chicken-and-sweating-(large)-buckets mini migraine. Which meant preparing for a poor minion's appraisal without being able to see the PC screen and doing the meeting with a grump-inducing-headache. Poor minion.

Drank lots and lots before the Friday evening football.

Spent lots of the weekend up a ladder painting the bodged window.

Today I cycled in and didn't set any records but it was wet and I seem to remember that, on Top Gear, they would sometimes put "Wet Lap" against some times. So a Wet Lap World Record.

And at lunchtime I was tempted out to have a go at the Big Hill. This is the one which all the Strava junkies obsess over. On my single-speedster, it was more of a test of how far up rather than how fast. I got as far as the Landrover which, I think you'll agree, is pretty good. I then walked up until it was merely very steep. This probably improved my time. I was a commendable 1,736th out of 1,956.
The problem is that I don't weigh enough to push the pedals down. More pies needed. A lot more pies.
Even on the flat I was having problems keeping up with A and his road bike and Lycra and clip-on shoes and stuff.

He had all the gear(s) and, sadly, all the ideas as well. (Going up the hill was his idea in the first place).

On the way back, I went for the Strava segment that goes past the speed trap on the ring road at work. The sign flashed at me to slow down and I got equal 19th (a whole second behind Stupid A and his Stupid Gears). I'm gonna take the road bike to work...

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