Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo


Tuesday, Fartlek. Wednesday took a different route for the weekly cycle commute so as to be able to go slowly without it being obvious. Thursday was lunchtime football followed by Powerleague in the evening. Another one goal defeat enlivened only by a MickMog hat-trick (rare) including a left-footed volley (ultra rare).

And today it was off to Sunny Ramsgate for the Fortuna Pop 20th birthday weekend. Three gigs over three days.

Today's line-up was Mammoth Penguins (never heard them before, pretty good), Tiger Cats (dancey, not bad but not really my thing) with Allo Darlin' headlining. They were great! Haven't managed to see them before but will try to see them again. The venue was tiny (Ramsgate Music Hall - Best Small Venue 2015 according to the MME) and the 130-strong audience packed into a tiny space were all bouncing. Upstairs was a nice bar with a big screen showing the gig for the VIPs who preferred to sit down sipping Prosecco (C was being a VIP). Really good venue, really good gig. And only 10 minutes away from our apartment with a view.

Tonight it's Bearsuit, The Wave Pictures and Darren Hayman. Can't wait. I expect that C can.

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