CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

On top of Cairngorm Mountain

A bright sunny day becoming overcast later.

We left Kirkhill in the morning and headed for home. We stopped at the northern end of the Caledonian Canal and saw another boat negotiating the locks. We then drove down to Aviemore and took the road which leads up to Cairngorm Mountain. Since it was our 49th Wedding Anniversary, I decided we should go on the Funicular Railway which takes you nearly to the summit. This is something Eleanor has wanted to do for many years and the weather made it perfect. The views from the top were stunning, being able to see mountains which were 80-90 miles away, such as Ben Nevis.

When we came down we visited the nearby Loch Morlich, which apparently has the largest inland beach in Britain. It certainly was quite amazing being on sand, in the warmth, and looking up at Cairngorm with the snow still in evidence.

We arrived home in time to deliver our grandchildren to their parents at teatime. The Day was not over though, since we went out for an Anniversary Meal and then watched a rerun of a Livelink of our oldest granddaughter's Graduation Ceremony earlier that day at Royal Holloway University, London. She achieved a First Class Honours Degree in Classics and won a special prize. All in all, a very special day.

If you would like to see photos of our trip, particularly the views from the top of Cairngorm, you may want to head over to my Flikr Account.

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