Afternoon rest

I'm sitting down and having a little rest because we all did go for a walk (that's ME, HIM and HER) up to the Post Office, and I got so scared because this big truck came whizzing past blaring it's siren and horn altogether and making the devil of a row, and I thought the hounds of hell were after me, and I did hide between her legs.  Big breath.

I like to pretend I'm brave, but the truck was soooo big, and the noise was soooo loud I got frighted.  We don't know what was going on but there was ambulances and fire trucks and EVERYTHING.  THEY thought there might have been an accident down the road.

And when we was walking home through the railway station we did see this big hairy thing, about as big as me or even bigger, and they did say it was a koala bear, and I've never seen one before, and I wanted to go and see if it would be my friend, but they wouldn't let me so she did pick me up and carry me away until we couldn't see it any more.  Big breath.

And then we came home, and I was EXHAUSTED.

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