
By jac1954

How do you like my new garden !!!!!! Help !!!!

Well Blippers thought I would show you  one of my new projects  !!
This maybe my garden or it maybe a garden I have to put to rights to sell the property it is next door to me,
so every mornings I try to take off as many flower tops of the weeds as I don't have  time to weed such a large space. I don't like weed killer because of my cats so it is mostly the manual way. I do know the recipe for Salt Vinegar and wash up liquid. but it will take time .
as you can see there are some Sunflowers growing and in the front some Star borage lovely Lilac Poppies. but the rest is just weeds.
loads of em!
they are loving the extra hot sun,Rain,Wind is no problem to them at all
An extra view of the other way in the garden.
Extra pics of the day lilies in the sunrise this morning

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