Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Creative minds

My first day away and Nikki has the boy's hand's dirty almost immediately.  Until fairly recently he was very reluctant to do anything that involved messiness but I'm pleased to see he's opening up more.

It's been really great having conversations with the wee man lately and listening to him make connections with concepts and follow up with a rational reply. Today he was having breakfast when he pointed out the window and said to Nikki, 'There's a bird there'. 
'Oh, yes,' said Mama 'sitting on the wire.'
'The bird lives on the wire,' says the wee man.
'No, I don't think so. Birds usually tend to live in trees.'
Grandma added, 'He's probably just having a rest on the wire.' 
Suddenly, the bird flew away.  'See, look, there he goes,' said Grandma.
'Yeahhh,' the wee man replied, 'he's awake now.' 

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