The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Showing Mum how it's done...

The physio said to take it easy...the girls thought they would show me how to! We got up as normal and did all my stretches and then walked for forty minutes, blowing the cobwebs away. I had a pretty rotten night of sleep as every time I turned over the pain in my neck woke me up but the walk definitely helped. The girls snoozed after their breakfast...Lottie was even snoring!

A pretty usual day, I've been the boss for two days and they have passed pretty uneventfully. Exams all ran smoothly, I have done a load of lesson observations which have all been really impressive and I have had lots of productive meetings...even if I did have to shuffle about in them to get comfy!

Tonight's walk was really relaxing, the girls and Rags pottered and played nicely. Tea done, blip time then stretch time and then bed by 9pm. I'm in need of some beauty sleep!

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