Your not having my nuts!

We got up a bit later this morning, so J decided he wasn't going out on the motorcycle, as is usual on a Sunday. Instead, he has been polishing  caressing ,  and doing odd jobs on his bikes. A labour of love really. The Triumph is due for an MOT this week, so there is method in his madness.  As it was such a lovely day, I decided to go for a walk, and look for a blip. This afternoon , there is going to be a show featuring, Scott May, Stunt Rider. It is going to be held in the same field that they have the circus. I thought I might be able to get a sneaky peek, but no such luck as they had pitched up in the field behind, and the hedges were  too high, I couldn't see a thing.  I was annoyed that I had walked all that way, and no photos, but as luck would have it, on my way back, i stopped at the entrance to one of the fields, and saw this squirrel. I managed to get this photo, before he scurried away. Chicken is roasting in the oven, and my taste buds are working overtime. I am starving! Enjoy your evening. 

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